Alopecia Support County Durham held its first meeting at the Pioneering Care Centre in Newton Aycliffe.
The meeting was a great success, with the ladies able to offer each other support, advice and tips based on their own experiences, such as the benefits of eyebrow tattoos and alternative wig suppliers.
Ladies who has been affected by Alopecia can often feel self-conscious, isolated, and depressed and with this in mind our meetings are very friendly and informal and ladies can come and talk to others who have been affected.
Future meetings will include an ear acupuncture taster, Christmas time beauty advice, a relaxing sound bath therapy taster session, and scarf tying techniques.
The meetings are held bi-monthly and the next meeting is on Wednesday 29th June 7-9pm. New wig company Confi Hair will be attending this meeting, showcasing their wigs with hair accessories.
If you would like to us contact for more information please email [email protected] or access our pages on T: @alopeciafriends and F: alopeciasupportcodurham