Woodham Academy is proud to be a licensed premise of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Currently, over 60 students from Y10 and Y11 have signed up to complete the Bronze Award, which focuses on the wider, holistic school environment whilst helping to secure educational outcomes.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award includes the key components of leadership, encompassing skills far more than simply leading a group; it is about working collaboratively, fostering perseverance, determination and resilience.
This award is recognised nationally and internationally by universities and employers, helping to encourage students to raise their aspirations and become future leaders.
For the Bronze Award, Woodham students are taking part in a variety of activities to fulfil the four components of this section.
They are completing volunteer work in a local care home, coaching younger students in sport and learning a different language.
The final section of the Bronze Award is an expedition which will be completed in the summer term.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award offers students a variety of opportunities to try something new and engage in the local community.