Local people across County Durham and Darlington are invited to give their views on a new plan launched this month.
Ron Hogg has reached the midway point of his second term in office as Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner.
He has now taken the opportunity to refresh his Police, Crime and Victims Plan – the key document which sets out his aims and priorities to reduce crime and improve the safety of local communities.
“I want levels of crime to fall, and for local people to feel safe,” says Hogg.
“It is also important that victims of crime and vulnerable people feel supported so that they can cope and recover from their experience; and re-offenders should be rehabilitated into society where appropriate, so that re-offending is reduced.
“I believe that these factors will help people to have confidence in policing and the criminal justice system.
“My new plan highlights a series of priorities which I intend that Durham Constabulary, and our partner organisations in the criminal justice system, take into account when delivering their services. I will hold them to account and publish progress reports on my website every quarter.”
You can view the draft of the plan at www.durham-pcc.gov.uk.
Local people are invited to submit their comments to Ron by Monday May 28.