Residents across County Durham and Darlington are being asked for their opinion about police funding in a new survey launched today.
The survey asks whether local residents would be prepared to pay a higher amount for the police element of Council Tax, to maximise the number of Police Officers in the area.
Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner Ron Hogg said: “The Government has reduced the funding for policing every year since 2010, which has led to a reduction of around 360 officers.
“Next year I expect to have to increase the police element of Council Tax by 2% to maximise numbers.
“This is equivalent to 4p a week for a household living in a property in Council Tax Band A.”
Mr Hogg added: “As well as seeking the views of local residents, last week I wrote to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to demand that central government provide more funding for policing.
“Whilst I am willing to ask local people to consider paying a little more for their policing, it is not right that they should shoulder the whole burden.”
The survey only takes a few seconds to complete. It can be found on Mr Hogg’s website at: