A host of businesses gathered for Aycliffe Business Park Community’s first meeting of the year.
See more pictures from the meeting below
More than 70 people attended the first news and networking meeting of 2019, which was held at Hitachi Rail’s factory on the business park.
Guests heard from Andy Palmer, Durham County Council’s head of transformation and chair of the joint venture company behind the Forrest Park development (more on that to follow soon), as well as other updates from around the park.
ABPC, which was officially incorporated in 2016 after running as an informal group for more than three years, was set up to develop, sustain and support a vibrant and diverse business park community, to contribute to an environment where businesses can grow and develop, and to support businesses with opportunities to promote and gain information related to their business.
There are another five news and networking meetings planned for 2019, with other specialist seminars also planned for the year.
ABPC’s next meeting is at UTC South Durham on Friday March 22 from 8.15am. Admission is free to companies based on Aycliffe Business Park, and £10 to others, which includes breakfast. For more details and to register go to aycliffebusinesspark.co.uk/events