Durham County Council’s new Cabinet was announced at the authority’s Annual General Meeting, where a new Chairman was also elected.
Cllr Simon Henig confirmed the membership of his Cabinet after being re-elected as Leader of the council.
Cllr Alan Napier retains the post of Deputy Leader with additional responsibility for finance and legal and democratic services.
Cllr Jane Brown takes up the new post of Cabinet member for Corporate Services, dealing with human resources and ICT.
Cllr Ossie Johnson and Cllr Eddie Tomlinson are also new additions to Cabinet. Cllr Johnson takes on the portfolio for Children and Young People’s Services, covering education up to the age of 19, youth services, children’s services, specialist and safeguarding services.
Cllr Tomlinson is the new Cabinet member for Housing and Rural Issues. His role covers housing strategy, homelessness and landlords and sees him continuing as the authority’s rural champion.
Cllr Neil Foster retains the portfolio for economic regeneration, dealing with development control, economic development, regeneration, assets and tourism, arts and culture.
And Cllr Morris Nicholls continues as Cabinet member for Adult Services with responsibility for adult social care services and safeguarding, welfare rights and carers.
Cllr Maria Plews is responsible for leisure services, libraries and community and adult education under her role as member for Leisure, Libraries and Lifelong Learning.
Cllr Brian Stephens, Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Local Partnerships, covers AAPs, community development and asset management as well as customer services, streetscene, highways, waste management and environment, health and consumer protection.
Cllr Lucy Hovvels, will again serve as Cabinet member for Safer and Healthier Communities, with responsibility for community safety, Travellers liaison, emergency planning and health and wellbeing.
Cllr Simon Henig, Leader of the council, said: “This is an experienced cabinet which includes representation from all six parliamentary constituencies in County Durham as well as previous experience on all but one of the previous eight district and county councils.
“The Cabinet will also be supported by eight other councillors including five newly elected members. This mix of experience and new ideas will stand County Durham in good stead as we continue to face unprecedented budget cuts from central government which could continue for several more years.”
Cllr Pauline Charlton was elected as Chairman of the council. A retired school teacher, Cllr Charlton, who represents Evenwood, has chosen Butterwick Hospice and Treetops Children’s Ward, University Hospital of North Durham as her charities for the coming year.
“I am thrilled at becoming Chairman,” said Pauline, who has spent the last 12 months as Vice Chairman to Cllr Linda Marshall, JP.
She added: “The last year as vice chairman has really whetted my appetite for the coming 12 months. Meeting people is something that I particularly enjoy and I hope to carry on the excellent work of my predecessor Councillor Linda Marshall.
“I am looking forward to representing the people of County Durham.”
Cllr John Robinson, who represents Sedgefield, has been chosen as Vice Chairman.