Students from Woodham Academy recently visited Poland as part of a trip organised by the school’s history department.
The GCSE students stayed in Krakow, and the trip included a guided tour around the Salt Mines and visiting Schindler’s factory.
The main excursion was visiting the camps of Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II – Birkenau, where students witnessed the conditions and treatment of those persecuted under Nazi rule.
Students were given a three-hour guided tour to help understand what the victims of the Holocaust experienced.
Poland under Nazi rule forms a significant part of the GCSE curriculum.
History teacher Mrs Robson said: “I was so proud to take the students to Poland, and especially seeing how they empathised with particular historical events and took everything in.
“This was particularly evident when walking around the concentration camps.
“It gave them a true insight as to what life was like for the victims, that you can’t necessarily experience in a history lesson.”