Greenfield Community College says their students have been a credit to the school and the community as they returned to the school site.
Staff have worked hard and found ways for students to attend safely and students have adapted quickly, showing maturity and respect for the guidelines and each other, says Greenfield.
“There has been a staggered return, ensuring each year group become familiar with the surroundings and are able to concentrate fully on their studies,” said a statement.
“During their time at home students found new ways to work and are being supported to build upon their achievements over the past few months.”
Throughout the new term students at Greenfield will be able to continue face-to-face learning in a safe environment, applying their skills as they become confident self-led learners.
Year 7 students are settling in well following a comprehensive series of activities during their transition to secondary school.
The transition included a valuable summer school project, led by Greenfield Arts, as a group of students made valuable connections with the school and created an inspiring film working alongside professionals.
To keep everyone safe the school has introduced measures which include access to the site, as the school day has been staggered the gates will be locked until the last bus has left around 3.35pm.
There is currently no vehicle access to the site as students are leaving for the day. Safety concerns has also meant that face to face parent’s drop-in sessions are presently on hold however the senior leadership team welcome parents to telephone the main office between 15:30 and 16:30 on a Wednesday to talk or make an appointment.