Greenfield Arts creative director Katy Milne will take part in this year’s annual CBNE conference ‘Imagine If…’.
The virtual conference, organised by Culture Bridge North East, is held each year and brings together delegates from the education and culture sector to explore key themes.
It includes invited keynote speakers and workshops that challenge ways of thinking and explore new ideas.
The 2020 conference will cover new ground as it moves online, exploring a different approach in delivery as it reflects upon and questions education and culture in the current climate.
Katy is due to work alongside and present with Lorraine Coghill, Science outreach coordinator at Durham University.
Katy and Lorraine share skills that create and develop opportunities for people to explore, enquire and engage others in meaningful learning.
Their online session will bring together their joint and separate creative projects to explore new ways to go forward.
The conference will, this year, be global in its reach and will be a timely resource for creatives and educators looking forward.
To be a delegate at this valuable conference contact Culture Bridge North East by emailing [email protected]