Aycliffe Business Park’s Excelpoint is working through this unprecedented time to support its customers to adapt to the current global crisis.
With coronavirus taking a firm grip on the world, businesses have adopted working from home strategies for employees to support social distancing and isolation to safeguard employees and reduce the potential impact on world health care systems.
Following the announcement in March that businesses, where possible, work from home, Excelpoint managing director Ian Brown (pictured above, left) immediately briefed staff and implemented a home working policy.
The nature of the business allowed this transition to take place seamlessly with staff setting up home-based working that afternoon.
This new way of working will affect many organisations as staff will crucially require access to key business processes to enable them to carry out their day-to-day tasks and remain productive.
With remote working on a grand scale now taking place, Ian believes it is the responsibility of the tech sector to ensure home-based working is effective and sustainable enabling organisations to continue to operate during this challenging time.
“The agility of our software platform enabled our staff to immediately move to a remote workforce status within an hour and continue to develop the Excelpoint platform with new innovative features,” says Ian.
“We have continued to assist our customer base supporting current customer software systems and building new functionality to existing business processes to enable customers to adapt.
“As a business, we are also playing a key role in supporting frontline organisations to adapt to their new challenges, developing and implementing new solutions to emerging problems at rapid speed to meet an ever-changing environment.
“Remote working has always been a key requirement of many of our customers when implementing our software to achieve digital transformation.
“Our experience enabled one of our large corporate customers to position over 400 mobile devices across a national operation, providing remote workers with access to the entire business processes on hand-held devices.
“It is a difficult time for many organisations. We are working with businesses to ensure staff can work remotely accessing central systems and information.”
As an advocate of staff wellbeing, Ian is considerate of the impact the current situation is having on home-based workers.
“It is a crucial time to consider the welfare and mental health of staff, ensuring they do not feel isolated from the business,” he said.
Excelpoint has also supported many charities over recent years, offering software to enable them to operate efficiently and cost effectively.
Many of its chosen charities are key to the current situation including, Age UK, Supportive, Nacro, Veterans at Ease and If You Care Share.
Ian is realistic during this challenging time. Excelpoint’s recruitment drive is currently on hold, and he is focused on the numbers ensuring the business can sustain the current level of activity and be in a position to re-commence its business plan.
It is also utilising the time to develop and implement a new website and brand image, which will be launched shortly.
Ian added: “During this unprecedented time, some businesses who were looking to embrace the digital transformation are putting their plans temporarily on hold, however, other organisations are using this time to look inwards and address their business processes, working with us to create innovate and efficient new ways of automated working, to achieve a more streamlined organisation for the future.”