Community GREENFIELD DANCE PERFORMS AT SAGE GATESHEAD! Greenfield Community College’s Youth Dance Group 'Grounded' were invited to perform in the Gateshead...
Community GIANT TWISTER AT SCHOOL! Woodham Academy’s successful House Competitions continued recently with an educational game of...
Community AYCLIFFE PUPILS BECOME ‘WASTE WARRIORS’ A commercial food waste facility has visited more schools in County Durham as part of its Waste Warriors...
Community DIGITAL LEADERS TEACH HUNGARIAN STUDENTS Woodham Academy has just embarked upon an innovative Digital Leaders initiative. Several students...
Community COUNTING THE COST OF ENVIRO-CRIMES More than 250 people are counting the cost after committing environmental offences in County...
Community GET COMPOSTING THIS MARCH! Residents in Newton Aycliffe are being encouraged to turn their household waste into compost. Durham...
Community SKI VISIT FOR AYCLIFFE STUDENTS A group of Aycliffe students enjoyed a snowsports trip in Italy. Students from Woodham Academy have...
Community WHEELS IN MOTION FOR NEW CYCLING CLUB! The wheels are already in motion for a new cycling club based in Newton Aycliffe. Aycliffe Velo has...
Community STUDENTS ENJOY STEM DAY AT GLAXO Six enthusiastic Year 9 students from Woodham Academy attended a Science, Technology, Engineering and...
Community PCP’s BIG DIG DAY PCP are encouraging people to get involved in the nation’s biggest community gardening volunteering...