A Newton Aycliffe fabrications firm teamed up with a leading business forum to host a networking event.
BTS Facades and Fabrications hosted the event in partnership with The Advanced Manufacturing Forum (AMF), to showcase its expertise in the manufacturing industry and promote the fabrications sector across the North-East.
They welcomed engineering and manufacturing businesses from across the North-East to share knowledge and exchange expertise.
The meet-up included a factory tour, presentation and an exchange in best practice.
Managing director Phi Atkinson said: “It’s such an honour to have been able to host this event at our offices, which are a showroom for exactly what we do.
“Some incredible North-East industry leaders attended. These events are all about learning from one another, and that’s exactly what we saw today.
“I hope that everyone who came along was able to see that our investment into automation and machinery has made a huge difference to the way we work, and it is certainly the way forward for us.
“This certainly won’t be the last time I invite fellow business leaders over to our offices; I love showing people around and banging the drum for our incredible workforce and for our thriving sector.”
Twenty-two people attended the event which was co-hosted by the AMF, a membership forum whose aim is to bring together the North East’s manufacturing and engineering community to create successful opportunities.