By Martin Walker
Aycliffe detectives are set to pioneer state-of-the-art spying technology that enables them to watch criminals in their own homes.
Police in the town will trial the equipment for the first time, with a view to rolling it out across the country.
Residents suspected of taking part in criminal activity will be monitored by Aycliffe Eye using the latest thermal imaging.
It means police will be able to watch their every move 24 hours a day in the innovative operation, dubbed ‘Polar Flair‘.
Local residents may find the tactic uncomfortable, while others will see it as another useful fight against crime.
First and foremost, Polor Flair will only be used to make sure convicted criminals are adhering to their curfews.
Only after successful pilots will we consider utilising this tactic to monitor other people suspected of taking part in criminal activity.
Officers in Aycliffe will be using Polo Flair over the next month, starting today.
Later today we’ll bring you more on this story.
Did you spot our April Fool joke? There were two clues – Polo Flair is an anagram of April Fool, and check what the first letter of every sentence spells out…