Two business events in Aycliffe have been postponed due to the Coronavirus.
Aycliffe Today’s planned event to celebrate the relaunch at of its new-look business magazine, which was due to be held at Redworth Hall next week, has been postponed until later in the year.
Business manager Sharon Hutchinson said: “Following government advice, we’ve made the decision to postpone the Aycliffe Business relaunch event on March 24.
“The continued Covid-19 outbreak and efforts to tackle the spread means we believe postponing the event is the responsible decision.
“We will plan to rearrange the event for a date later in 2020.”
Writing to businesses who had registered for the event, Sharon added: “Naturally, we’re sad to have to make this decision as so much work has already gone into planning the event – and there’d been such a positive response with 150 people signed up to attend.
“We will stay in touch with continued updates about the re-arranged date in the weeks ahead.
“In the meantime, we wish you all the best for the health of you, your staff and your business.”
Meanwhile, Aycliffe Business Park Community’s news and networking events have been postponed until further notice.
ABPC’s next news and networking event was due to be held at UTC South Durham on Friday.
But ABPC chair Kerina Clark said: “As the global situation around COVID-19, or coronavirus, develops, we have decided to postpone all of our upcoming networking events.
“We have been paying close attention to the latest Government and Health Authority guidance, and so are playing our part to help delay the spread of the virus by halting our events until it is safe to resume.
“We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused and we hope you understand that we’ve made this decision in the best interests of our community.”