November 14th, 20220571An updated action plan to help tackle poverty and support those struggling with the current economic climate will be discussed this week.
Durham County Council’s cabinet will be presented with a revised County Durham Poverty Strategy and Action Plan, to respond to the impact of poverty on residents.
Following a meeting in April,...
November 11th, 20220773Resolution Media and Publishing say they’re excited by their latest appointment of another experienced sales professional as they seek to expand their range of publications and events in the year ahead.
Carol Makepeace has joined the team behind Tees Business - sister publication to Aycliffe Business - as the Middlesbrough-based...
November 10th, 202201227By Berni Borsberry
The club were proud to be part of the FA silent weekend, leaving the children to play without influence from the side-lines and as the oakleaf was closed for the firework display all our teams had to play their matches away.
There were no fixtures for our women and u23’s as well as 6 of our junior...
November 10th, 20220710Making sure children grow up in a safe, happy, and healthy environment will be at the heart of a new partnership strategy, councillors will be told.
Next week, Durham County Council’s cabinet will be presented with a Growing Up in County Durham (GUiCD) strategy for 2023-2025.
It builds on the current Children and Young...
November 9th, 202201113By Paul Blythe
A round-up of this week’s football from Newton Aycliffe Junior Section.
Under 7’s Whites – Played Washington, the same opposition as least week. It was a tough game for Aycliffe who never give up. MOTM was Oliver who was the goal scorer.
Under 7’s Reds – Played in a mud fest and enjoyed every second of...
November 9th, 20220692Councils across the North-East have joined forces with the NHS to help lower levels of smoking and reduce its impact on the health of the population.
Smoking is one of the region’s leading causes of health inequalities and remains the single largest cause of preventable deaths.
Since 2000, over 113,000 people in the region have...
November 9th, 20220750A competition for enterprising young minds is challenging pupils from County Durham secondary schools to turn their problem-solving skills into a profitable business.
Future Business Magnates (FBM), now in its 18th year, will see enterprising young minds from the county’s secondary schools working together with partner businesses to...
November 8th, 20220666Residents in County Durham are being reminded of a final chance to give their views on proposed changes to constituency boundaries.
Durham County Council is reminding residents that they can take part in a consultation launched by the Boundary Commission, which is carrying out a formal review of parliamentary constituency boundaries...
November 8th, 20220718The Greenfield Arts Men’s Cree group have been getting hands on and creating something positive to be shared with others.
Their recent renovation struck a cheery note as they brought back to life an old piano, kindly donated by Durham University.
The group, led by Richard Agar, have put their heads together to design and create...
November 8th, 20220717Organisations across County Durham will be supported in delivering key cultural events and attractions after being successful in bids for funding.
The Arts Council selected County Durham as one of 54 Priority Places in the UK where it has announced it will be focusing its investment.
Durham County Council has been awarded just...