January 5th, 201701975More than 1,700 dogs have been microchipped free of charge thanks to a campaign led by Durham County Council.
As of April last year, all dogs should be microchipped by the time they are eight weeks old.
The chips allow details of the animals’ owners to be registered on a database, making it easier for people to be reunited with...
January 4th, 201702424A scheme to support landlords and protect tenants across County Durham has reached a new landmark.
Durham County Council’s Landlord Accreditation Scheme has welcomed its 100th member, Paul McFarling, bringing the total number of properties covered by the scheme to well over 2,000 across the county.
The project sees landlords...
January 4th, 201702460Aspiring Aycliffe entrepreneur Jonathan Hutton has attributed much of his success of launching two businesses to studying at Teesside University.
Jonathan (above left), from Aycliffe Village, and his business partner Ryan Prior graduated from the BA (Hons) Business Management at the university last summer.
They no run two...
January 3rd, 201701995Inspirational teenager Kieran Maxwell, whose long and brave battle against a rare form of bone cancer touched the hearts of people throughout the UK when his story was reported in the national press, on radio and television, has been awarded Rotary International’s highest honour, a Paul Harris Fellowship.
Eighteen-year-old Kieran...
January 3rd, 201701679Newton Aycliffe aim to defend their Durham Challenge Cup crown at Moore Lane Park on Tuesday night.
The Newtonians are set to take on Northern League second division side Brandon United, in the second round of the competition they won last year, tonight.
Kick-off is 7.30pm with admission £6 adults and £4 concessions.
January 3rd, 201703373Newton Aycliffe-based craft supplies company, Crafter’s Companion, has topped off an impressive year by reaching 100 employees across its UK and US operations.
The fast-growing company, which is on track for a record year, has gone from strength to strength in 2016 opening two UK retail stores, including its flagship outlet on...
January 2nd, 201702154Newton Aycliffe Juniors Under 11's entered the Christmas Tournament at Alun Armstrong Sports Centre and had a great days football.
In the group games they faced Shildon, Leven and Leyburn. The first game against Shildon saw some great football and the lads made a super start with a 5-0 win. Next up were Leven who compete in the same...
January 2nd, 201711786A series of free sales and marketing workshops for North East SMEs have been announced by industry body NEPIC (North East Process Industry Cluster).
NEPIC, which is delivering a free SME Growth programme for North East SMEs, has commissioned the workshops to arm companies with the right skills to help their small businesses achieve...
December 23rd, 201612087Front-line officers are taking advantage of hand-held technology, as the first phase of a mobile data project comes to an end.
The roll-out of electronic tablets aims to cut down on the amount of paperwork incurred by front-line officers, enabling them to be more mobile and visible in the community.
Around 500 devices have now been...
December 22nd, 201611846Mike Coates, managing director of Newton Aycliffe-based Commercial Expert, delivers some sound financial advice as we approach the end of another year...
With rates at an all-time record low, both in residential and commercial markets, is it time to review your commercial borrowings?
The majority of lenders have passed on the...