October 31st, 201702078More than 100 private landlords and industry partners came together to share best practice in an event which took place during national empty homes week.
The private landlord seminar, the first of its kind organised by Durham County Council, included sessions on Universal Credit, tenancy deposit schemes and updates in legislation and...
October 31st, 201701762Durham County Council has been shortlisted for a prestigious national award in recognition of the work of its legal services team.
The authority is a finalist in the Lawyers in Local Government Awards 2017, in the Legal Team of the Year category.
This is the second award the council’s legal services has been shortlisted for in...
October 31st, 201701642The weekend brought the Aycliffe Juniors football teams back into action and it turned out to be an exciting weekend of matches.
The Under 6’s played against Shildon in a return fixture of their friendly played game a few weeks ago. The game was enjoyed by all, Aycliffe secured a good win with plenty of goals.
The Under 7’s...
October 30th, 201701498County Durham’s strategic waste management team has celebrated giving its 100th talk within a year to schools and community groups from across the region.
Durham County Council recycling assistants Rob McKay and Matt Crane gave the landmark talk at Grove Park, Barnard Castle to an over-55’s group.
The council’s strategic...
October 30th, 201701772Whitley Bay 1, Newton Aycliffe 1
By Bob Wood
Newton Aycliffe took a point from their trip to the seaside on Saturday.
In a game heavily affected by strong winds Aycliffe battled hard to earn a point despite playing the last 20 minutes with ten men.
The home side had wind advantage in the first half and almost scored direct...
October 30th, 201701502The children of foster families, who welcome foster children into their homes alongside their parents, are being celebrated as part of Sons and Daughters Month.
The month is organised by The Fostering Network, the UK’s leading fostering charity, and is used to acknowledge the fantastic role foster carer’s children play in...
October 27th, 201701965Newton Aycliffe 0, Consett 1
By Dave Strickland
Newton Aycliffe crashed out of the Durham Challenge Cup in the first round with a narrow defeat at home to Consett on Tuesday night.
The visitors were on top for most of the match, apart from the last ten minutes, when Aycliffe pushed forward for an equaliser.
Consett had a...
October 27th, 201731675Woodham Academy has added rugby union to the extensive range of sports played at the school.
The newly developed Rugby Academy team have taken part in their first tournament following two months of training.
The Rugby Academy – initially consisting of Year 10 and 11 students - competed in the Durham Union County Cup, taking on...
October 26th, 201702278An experienced recruitment specialist has joined an ambitious Newton Aycliffe agency which is now expanding its services.
Former motor trade apprentice Scott Martin has joined Aycliffe-based Fleet Recruitment, which provides recruitment and training services spanning a wide range of sectors including sales and marketing, commercial...
October 26th, 201702352Aycliffe Sports Club 5, Staindrop 2
By Paul Eales
After last week’s comfortable win Aycliffe Sports Club looked continued their good run of recent form with a hard-fought win at home to Straindrop in the Wear Valley Sunday League Division Two.
But the game started very badly for the hosts as a lazy back pass from skipper...