April 4th, 201801440Landlords are being urged to make sure their properties are more energy efficient ahead of new regulations coming in to force from 1 April 2018.
Members of Durham County Council’s trading standards team are advising landlords with less efficient properties that may fall foul of the new regulations if improvements aren’t...
April 3rd, 201801476Newton Aycliffe construction firm Finley Structures is helping a Cramlington-based oil and gas manufacturer to expand with a new facility.
PII Pipeline Solutions, part of the GE Oil & Gas group, currently works from a series of buildings on the North Nelson Industrial Estate in Cramlington, where it specialises in generating...
April 3rd, 201801526A national counter-terrorism campaign is being backed by the Safe Durham Partnership.
The ‘Action Counter Terrorism’ campaign is urging residents across the UK to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity that could be terrorism-related.
Although there is no specific threat in County Durham, the Safe Durham Partnership, of...
April 2nd, 201801821Woodham Academy’s basketball players have been crowned as the county champions.
The school’s Year 7 team won the Durham Youth Sports Games held at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre.
The team progressed through the qualification rounds unbeaten and represented Sedgefield District at the finals, where they competed against the best...
March 30th, 201801379There are lots of fun activities taking place in libraries across County Durham this Easter to keep children entertained throughout the schools holidays, whatever the weather.
For a small charge of £1 per child, families can get involved in a variety of spring themed crafts.
At Newton Aycliffe library, a spring crafts session will...
March 29th, 201801621One of Aycliffe Business Park’s oldest car repair centres is keeping thousands of Aycliffe workers motoring every year.
And thanks to a new deal with Falken tyres, the sixth-largest tyre manufacturer in the world, Gregg Little Testing Centre is able to offer improved tyre services with free tyre warranties, as well as monthly...
March 29th, 201801505By Donna Reece
The weekend of March 24/25 was yet again another busy weekend for the runners of ARC.
First up was Trish Kay who ran the 14 mile road race at Coniston Water. This is the area largest community event and money raised from this is donated to local clubs and charities. It attracts approx. 1600 runners each year. The...
March 29th, 201802080A Woodham Academy student has won silver in the national biathlon championships after winning the regional trials.
Niall Coulthard took second place in the British Schools’ Modern Biathlon National Finals at Crystal Palace. The Year 10 student qualified for the finals after finishing first in the regional trials held at...
March 29th, 201801908One of the region’s oldest training providers is gearing up for growth after expanding its team with five new recruits.
South West Durham Training (SWDT) celebrated its 50th anniversary towards the end of 2017 with a high-profile event headed up by BBC Breakfast presenter Steph McGovern.
The Newton Aycliffe-based organisation...
March 28th, 201801536Newton Aycliffe 1 Washington 0
By Dave Strickland
Newton Aycliffe moved closer to Northern League top-flight safety with a narrow home win against second-bottom Washington.
Aycliffe edged the game 1-0 under the lights at Moore Lane Park thanks to a second-half penalty by Thibault Charmey, in a game where there were few good...