A huge jobs boost for Newton Aycliffe has taken another big step forward today.
Councillors have voted unanimously in favour of a proposal to install vital new infrastructure just off the A167 to support a major development on Aycliffe Business Park which will create more than 3,000 new jobs.
Durham County Council first revealed plans about the potential new employment land two years ago.
Known previously as Merchant 2 and now being called Forrest Park 2, it could see a total of 123 hectares of land developed into business use.
In July 2014, the local authority secured £10m-worth of funding to start developing the second phase of Forest Park, on land adjacent to the Hitachi site, with a 48-hectare ‘manufacturing hub’ which could create 3,400 jobs.
And councillors today agreed the first stage of the development, which involves the construction of a new junction and internal link road and the installation of a bespoke 23MW power supply into the site, and a newly constructed 33kV/11kV substation.
A report to councillors said: “This has the potential to accommodate over 163,000m2 of fully serviced and accessible B2 and B8 units, as well as a potential strategic rail freight interchange.
“These will remove barriers to development and subsequently provide significant employment opportunities, increase GVA and improve the competitiveness of the region.
“The wider development will take place in a number of phases over the next 10 years, delivering approximately 3,200 jobs. The development of the wider site will be subject to a number of later planning applications.”
Aycliffe Business Park suffers from major traffic congestion during peak times and planning officers have recognised the need for improved infrastructure.
The report added: “The existing junction only permits a left in and left out access, with the new junction to be signalised permitting all movements.
“A new link road will connect the junction to the existing services and new substation, and eventually to the wider site.
“Toucan crossing facilities at the A167 junction will be provided which will facilitate safer and more sustainable journeys on cycle and foot.
“The new junction on the A167 will be located some 40 metres North of the existing junction.”
Durham County Councillor for Aycliffe North, John Clare, said: “This is a very exciting development for Great Aycliffe residents, for it is the infrastructure for a wider proposed 50ha development site for industry, storage and distribution on the Aycliffe Business Park.
“It’s a sign that our existing business park is filling up, and that an extension (which should eventually provide 3,200 jobs) is becoming viable.”
The application site (for new roads and substation) measures 2.4 hectares and is located to the South of Newton Aycliffe at Newton Park Services, adjacent to Junction 59 of the A1 (M) – pictured below – on a piece of land described as a “rectangular shaped parcel of land used for the grazing of horses and agricultural purposes”.
The report says the development of the wider site would be subject to a number of later planning applications.