Applications are now being invited for the latest round of GAMP funding.
The Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership (GAMP) board has a budget of £100,000 available, which is now available for community and voluntary or not-for-profit organisations and groups to apply.
Grant limits between £5,000 to £20,000 have been agreed, while projects must take place in the GAMP area and address at least one of three key priorities.
Groups are permitted to submit an application under all three priorities, but there is a limit of one project per priority.
Applications can be for either capital or revenue funding (or both), and projects which include a specific element of capital spend are encouraged.
If you need advice on the specific definitions for capital/revenue, please get in touch. Project proposals must also include a minimum of 5% match funding (either cash or in-kind, or both).
Projects are invited to help support positive outcomes for children, young people and families and/or older people in the GAMP AAP area to live a happier, healthier and safer life.
Children, Young People & Families (£50k total funding available) projects must address one of the following key issues:
• Ensure children, young people & families have a safe childhood
• Ensure children, young people & families have the best start in life, good health, and physical and emotional wellbeing
• Ensure children, young people & families gain the education, skills and experience to succeed in adulthood
• Ensure children, young people & families with special educational needs and disabilities achieve the best possible outcomes
Older People (£30k total funding available) projects must address one of the following key issues:
• Health, including mental health, dementia, access to social activity
• Access to activity; facilities, transport, welfare/money issues and lifelong learning opportunities
• Social support; having regular contact with friends, family or neighbours
Community Safety (£20k total funding available) projects must address at least one of the following key issues:
• Youth engagement initiatives that reduce antisocial behaviour
• Project proposals that reduce and/or support victims of crime
• Road safety schemes
The GAMP Team will be running some advice & guidance sessions to help those who want to apply and would like to find out more about the process:
• Wednesday May 1, 5-7pm at the Pioneering Care Centre
• Thursday May 2, 10am-12noon at Woodham Community Centre
• Tuesday May 7, 2-4pm at Pioneering Care Centre
These sessions will take applicants through the relevant paperwork and the application process itself, giving hints and tips on completing your application.
The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday May 31, 2019.
Please note, any prospective projects should have a start date no earlier than January 2020 to allow time for applications to go through our technical appraisal process.
After the closing date, all eligible applications will be assessed and ranked by a panel of GAMP Board members, to determine which projects will successfully be awarded funding.
For an application pack, call 01325 327441 or email: [email protected]